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Amazwi Wethu [Our Voices] equips Equalisers with media advocacy skills to develop an active voice in their movement for more quality and equitable education.



Check out work from the summer 2013 session here!

THIS VIDEO documents the process of our pilot workshop from June-August, 2012, starting with learning how to use the cameras and culminating with excerpts from two short documentaries co-produced and -edited by the Equalisers.





This Equaliser doc  spirals out to the rural village of Matatiele, Eastern Cape.​ There - along with several of his classmates - a Grade11 student named Zamxolo - "Zam" - had written a letter describing the poor conditions in his school - Moshesh Secondary School. Equal Education sent a task team to help mobilize the community there. The task team included two Equalisers -  Bayanda and Sisonke - from the Amazwi Wethu workshop.  Bayanda and Sisonke co-produced and -edited the piece, while Bayanda  also emerged as a main character in it.


This doc  - co-produced and -edited by Equalisers Ayanda, Bane and Siwe - follows Ayanda and Bane through Equal Education's first National Congress, held in Johannesburg in July 2012. The Congress brought Equalisers, staff and parents from throughout the country together  to adopt a new constitution and elect the movement's first National Council, which represents delegates from the Western Cape, Gauteng and Limpopo provinces to ensure that all delegates have an active voice in shaping their movement.

The following year, in June 2013, learners from Moshesh Senior Secondary School - with Equal Education's support - took the Eastern Cape Department of Education to court for their failure to provide basic support and services.


Several voting delegates from the Eastern Cape also attended the Congress, including "Zam" and "Prince" from Matatiele.


© 2013 by AmazwiWethu

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